Five Important Question With Answer form "In Bed" and Summary

English | Questions
In Bed
Joan Didion
Class : 11 | The Magic of Words

This essay was written by Joan Didion. It is writer's own experience. She had a migraine headache. A migraine is a very painful headache. Joan Didion has migraine three or four times every month. In the beginning, she was afraid to admit that she had migraine. She was afraid she wouldn't get job because of that headache. Migraines are inherited. Joan Didion's parents and grandparents also suffered from migraines. Migraine headache is very unpleasant and patient also suffered from stomach
pain. Joan Didion complains that people don't take migraine seriously. Many people think migraines are imagined. They think migraine suffers make themselves ill by worrying too much. This is partly true. Joan Didion has learnt to live with migraines because she can't avoid them. They are when she is very worried about something. The migraine is very painful. When migraine has finished, Joan Didion feels better. She takes herself as lucky woman.

Important Questions 

1. What are the distinctive traits of migraine headaches? Or What are the features of migraine headache? 
Ans: Migraine is a type of severe recurrent headache usually in one-side of head. It can't be easily cured. Ordinary headache can be cured by taking aspirins. Migraine can be prevented only by injections or drugs. A sufferer of migraine headache starts vomiting. When migraine starts, some people have hallucination, blinding effect, stomach pain, tiredness, pain in all the senses and they are unable to do their normal work. They look if they are drunk; however, nobody dies of it. 

2. Why does the writer consider herself as fortunate? 
Ans: Writer's husband had also same problem. He was also suffering from migraine. Her husband understands writer's pain very well. He also faces same pains as the writer. He doesn't blame the writer. Otherwise, he would say that her wife was pretending. So the writer takes herself as fortunate. 

3. Write about the suffering and bitter experiences of John Didion as a migraine person. 
Ans: In this essay, John Didion writes about migraine headache. She herself suffers from this headache. She feels quite uneasy and a strong flow of blow is fallen in the veins of her brain in the beginning. She doesn't want to reveal. She spends one or two days a week painfully in bed. Tears come from the fight side of her face. She goes to toilet and vomits there. She wishes a surgeon would come to avoid her brain. The writer can't speak clearly when it attacks her. She looks as if she is drunk. She tries to escape from it but she can't. When the migraine starts, she lies on bed with patience. 

4. What are causes of migraine headache? And what are its effects? 
Ans: Anything can start an attack of migraine headache such as stress, allergy, tiredness, unexpected events, a change in air pressure, lack of sleep, a fire drill , etc. the sufferers of migraine headache have hallucinations blinding effect, stomach problem, weakness, tiredness etc. the migraine headache also causes cold sweating and vomiting etc. But nobody dies of it. 

5. What are the misconceptions associated with migraine headache? 
Ans: Some people believe that migraine headache is imaginary. They accuse the sufferers as if sufferers are pretending. They accuse the migraine suffers for refusing to cure themselves. They also accuse sufferers as if sufferers have wrong thinking and bad tempers. According to writer, the accusing eyes of the people are more painful for her then the migraine itself. 

Questions for Practice 
1. Why does the writer consider herself fortunate that her husband has migraine? What would happen if he did not have it? 
2. According to John Didion, how do migraines differ from ordinary headaches? 
3. What popular misconceptions about migraine headache does Didion want to correct in her essay "In bed? 
4. How did the writer Joan Didion suffer from migraine headaches? What were the misconceptions associated with such headaches? Has she been able to correct them?


  1. How did the writer Joan Didion suffer from migraine headaches? What were the misconceptions associated with such headaches? Has she been able to correct them?

  2. THanks for Summary of in Bed and its Importance Questions

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