Difference Between Prokaryotic And Eukaryotic Cell

Prokaryotic Cell
Biology Notes
Difference Between Prokaryotic And Eukaryotic Cell
For: Science Class 11

In unicellular organisms the body is single cell, single cell perform all the life activities, Cells are larger in size, easily infected and susceptible for damage, Amoeba, Paramecium In multicellular organisms, number of different types of cells forms body, the body function is outcome of the cellular activities of different cells, cells are usually smaller is size, not easily susceptible to damage, higher plants and animals There are two types of cells found in organisms. The differences are as follows.

Prokaryotic cell

Eukaryotic cell
  • Small in size (range from 100-10000nm) 
  • Usually gelatinous sheath is present 
  • Cell wall is made up of amino sugar and muramic acid. 
  • Mesosome is present, the power house of the cell 
  • Nuclear membrane and nucleolus is absent 
  • DNA is found freely in cytoplasm 
  • Histone protein is absent in DNA, So called naked DNA 
  • Cell organelles are absent 
  • Flagella is simple. 
  • Pili are present 
  • Ribosomes are small and 70 S type. 
  • Plasmid may be present 
  • Cyclosis is absent 
  • Cell division is amitosis. 
  • Cell cycle is short 
  • Spindle fibers are absent 
  • Bacteria and Cyanobacteria are examples.
  • Larger in size (range from 10000-100000nm) 
  • Usually gelatinous sheath absent 
  • In animal cell, cell wall is absent but in plant cell it is made up of cellulose 
  • Mesosome is absent. Mitochondria are power house of the cell 
  • Nuclear membrane and nucleolus are present 
  • DNA is bounded by nuclear membrane. 
  • Histone protein is present in DNA so called closed DNA 
  • Cell organelles are present 
  • Flagella are compound (9+2 pattern) 
  • Pili absent 
  • Ribosomes are large and 80S type 
  • Plasmid is absent 
  • Cyclosis is present 
  • Cell division is mitosis and meiosis 
  • Cell cycle is long 
  • Spindle fibers are present 
  • Higher plants and animal cell are Examples:

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