Differences Between Mitosis and Meiosis Cell Division

Cell Division
Zoology | Notes
Differences Between Mitosis and Meiosis 
For: Science Class 11
Subject: Biology

Mitosis cell division: The process of cell division in which all the chromosomes replicate and separate into two groups having equal number of chromosomes as their parent cell. Thus two nuclei are formed. 
Meiosis Cell Division: The process of cell division which takes place in a diploid cell and produces four haploid cell is meiosis cell division i.e. Each cell having half the number of chromosomes as that of parent cell.

Differences between mitosis and meiosis

It occurs in somatic cells 
Mitosis division completed only in one division 

It is very short 
Synapses is absent 
No coiling and no replication takes place 
No chiasmata formation takes place 
No crossing over takes place 
No Variation occurs 

One metaphasic plate is formed 
Contromere divides longitudinally 

Two chromatids of each chromosome separate and move towards opposite pole 
Each chromosome is single stranded 

Nucleus id diploid 
Two nuclei are formed 
Two cells are produced after cytokinesis

It occurs in reproductive cells 
Meiosis division is completed in two successive divisions 

Prophase is very long Subdivided into 5 sub phases 
In Zygotene synapses occurs 
In Pahcytene homologous chromosome undergo coiling and replication occurs 
In diplotene chiasmata formation and crossing over takes place 
Variation occurs 

Two metaphase plate is formed 
Centromere does not divide in Meiosis I but in II 

Homologous chromosomes separate and move towards opposite pole 
Each chromosome is double stranded n meiosis I 

Nuclei are haploid 
Four nuclei are formed after Telophase II 
Four cells are produced after cytokinesis II

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