Five Kingdom System of Classification - Taxonomy | Biology Class 11

Notes | Botany
Five Kingdom System of Classification - Taxonomy
For: Science Grade XI

Five Kingdom System of Classification
To include all the organisms, Robort H Whittaker in 1969 proposed a new system of classification. In his system, the organisms are included in five kingdoms. They are Monera, Protista, Fungi, Animalia, and Plantae. This system is based on cellular complexity, body structure, and mode of nutrition.

General Characters

Kingdom Monera
This kingdom includes all the unicellular, microscopic, and prokaryotic organisms, which do not contain a well-defined nucleus, the nuclear material is freely found in cytoplasm, they lack well-developed cell organelles, they may be auto or heterotrophic Example: Bacteria and Cyanobacteria

Kingdom Protista
This kingdom includes all the unicellular but eukaryotic organisms which are: auto or heterotrophic, the cell contain well defined nucleus and cell organelles, all the vital activities are performed by single cell, Example: Euglena, Volvox, Paramecium, Amoeba.

Kingdom Fungi
This kingdom includes all the multicellular few are unicellular eukaryotic organisms, which are: Heterotrophic that grows on decaying organic matter, achlorophyllous, branched body, do not show locomotion, cell wall is made up of chitin, reserve food is glycogen. Example: Yeast, Mucor, Mushroom.

Kingdom Animalia
This kingdom includes all the multicellular eukaryotic organisms, which are: heterotrophic that feeds on autotrophic organisms through different way, show movement, no cell wall is present, reserve food is glycogen, body is compact. Example: Rat, Pigeon, Frog

Kingdom Plantae
This kingdom includes all the multicellular eukaryotic organisms which are: autotrophic due to having chlorophyll molecules for photosynthesis, cellulosic cell wall is present, reserve food is starch, do not show locomotion, body is branced. Example: mustard, mango etc.

In this system the monera are thought to have originated at first. The protista are originated from monera. From protista Fungi and animalia and plantae were evolved. This shows a evolutionary relationship among five kingdoms. This relationship is called phyllogenetic relationship. The evolutionary history of an organism is called phylogeny. The classification based on the phyllogenetic relationship is called phylogenetic system of classification.

Taxonomic categories

There are different categories or groups to classify or to include related organisms in same group to make easier for study are called taxonomic categories

Any category of the taxonomic group of any rank is called taxon (pleural-taxa)

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