SET VII (2067) - Model Question Paper of Biology Class 11

Biology (Botany + Zoology)
Question Paper | Biology
SET VII (2067) - Model Question Paper
Subject: Biology (Botany + Zoology)
For: Science Students Class: 11

1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Classify Malaria parasite.
1.2. Which pigment gives the dark brown pigmentation in earthworm?
1.3. Give one example of each of class Trematoda and Calcarea.
1.4. Why is responsibility given to human for the protection of earth ?
1.5. Give two important features of java man .
1.6. Name the organelles in Paramecium controlling Osmoregulation and vegetative functions
1.7. What is Neo-Darwinism?
1.8. Give two main identifying characters of Aves.
1.9. Mention the classes of phylum Platyhelminthes.
1.10. Give the position of brain in earth worm.

2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Give the diagrammatic representation of Miller and Urey experiment in support of biochemical origin of life .
2.2. Describe male reproductive organ of frog in short.
2.3. Describe sporogony of Plasmodium.
2.4. Describe the animal behaviour related to sneezing.
2.5. Explain in brief Oparin Haldane's Theory of Origin of life.
2.6. Give the characteristics of african ape man.
2.7. What are homologous organs? How do homologous organs supports organic evolution?

3. Describe the reproductive organ of earthworm. (7.5)
Describe the structure of heart of frog with well labeled diagram.

4. Write an essay on evolution of man . [8]

1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. What are reducing sugars ?
1.2. What is phycology ?
1.3. Why are lichens called bio indicators of air pollution ?
1.4. What is meant by Binomial nomenclature?
1.5. How do you identify Anaphage of mitotic cell division?
1.6. Write the floral formula of Leguminoceae Family.
1.7. What do you understand by green house effect?
1.8. Lysosome is called suicidal bag of cell. why?
1.9. Write the function of heterocyst in nostoc.
1.10. How the glycosidal bond is formed?

2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Draw a neat floral diagram of crucifera and graminea.
2.2. How does Pioneer Stage from Climax stage in succession.
2.3. Explain the beneficial aspects of bacteria.
2.4. Describe the heterothallic reproduction in spirogyra species.
2.5. Define Primary and secondary succession.
2.6. Describe the structure and function of chloroplast .
2.7. Write down the chromosomal changes found during Pachytine sub stages of prophase I.

3. Describe family Poaceae in semi technical terms with floral formula and diagram .Write botanical name of three economical important plants of this family. [7.5]
Describe about sexual life cycle of Spyrogyra with neat and labeled diagram.

4. What is bio geo chemical cycle ?explain the Nitrogen cycle with graphical representation. [8]
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