SET X (2067) - Model Question Paper of Biology Class 11

 Biology (Botany + Zoology)
Question Paper | Biology
SET X (2067) - Model Question Paper
Subject: Biology (Botany + Zoology)
For: Science Students Class: 11

1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Write two important significances of conjugation in Paramecium.
1.2. Give reason "Paramecium is a protistan organism".
1.3. What is alternation of host ?
1.4. Define the term "Incubation period".
1.5. Give the biological name of one flying mammal and one flying reptile.
1.6. Give two examples of endangered birds.
1.7. Mention the enzyme found in the stomach of frog.
1.8. Write down the function of testis of frog.
1.9. What is carrier?
1.10. What is meant by acrodont teeth?

2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. What are the functions of pancreas in frog?
2.2. Differentiate between ape and man.
2.3. Write in brief the erythrocytic cycle of Plasmodium.
2.4. What are the adaptational features of aquatic animal?
2.5. Justify "embryology provides evidence of organic evolution ".
2.6. Mention the characteristic of Australopethicus and Homo habilis .
2.7. Describe the animal behavior in short .

3. Describe the alimentary canal of Frog with suitable diagram. (7.5)
Describe the male and female reproductive system of earthworm.

4. Write an essay on evolution of man starting from Ramapethicus. [8]

1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Give two industrial values of fungi.
1.2. Why are cyanobacteria included in Monera?
1.3. Name the pigment found in red algae .
1.4. Who gave 5 kingdom system of classification and when?
1.5. What is the significance of crossing over in meiosis?
1.6. What are the major Green house gasses ?
1.7. What kinds of fruit is called legume ?
1.8. Give one important function of lysosome.
1.9. Mention two methods of forest conservation.
1.10. What is hierarchy in taxonomy?

2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. What are the economical nature of Bacteria?
2.2. Explain the structure of nucleus ?
2.3. Describe a typical flower in brief.
2.4. Name the different biotic components of the pond ecosystem .
2.5. Explain the beneficial aspects of lichen.
2.6. What are the consequences of ozone layer depletion ?
2.7. Describe the structure and function of plasma membrane in short.

3. Explain the nitrogen cycle in nature with graphical representation. [8]

4. Describe the sexual reproduction in Mucor with diagram. [7.5]
Give the distinguishing character of sub famaly paplionaceae in semi technical term. Give the floral diagram and floral formula as well as any two economical plants of this family
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