Two Kingdom System of Classification - Taxonomy | Biology Class 11

Notes | Botany
Two Kingdom System of Classification -  Taxonomy
For: Science Class 11

The taxonomy is the branch of biology, which deals with identification, naming, and classification of organisms. The father of taxonomy is considered as Carolus Linnaeus.

Two Kingdom System of Classification 
Carolus Linnaeus divided the organisms into two kingdoms, the plant Kingdom and the Animal Kingdom. This system was based on the characteristics of animals and the plants.

Plant Kingdom

Animal Kingdom

  • The organisms of this kingdom are autotrophic i.e. they bear chlorophyll molecule 
  • They have cellulosic cell wall around the cell 
  • The body is fixed at one place 
  • They are less sensitive due to absence of nervous system 
  • Their reserved food material is starch 
  • Centrosome is absent in the cell 
  • Large vacuoles are present in the cells 
  • The body is branched having definite shape

  • The organisms of this kingdom are heterotrophic i.e. they do not bear chlorophyll 
  • They don't have cellulosic cell wall in the cell 
  • They show locomotion, not fixed organisms 
  • They are highly sensitive due to presence of nervous system 
  • Their reserved food material is glycogen 
  • The centrosome is present in the cell 
  • Vacuoles are very small or absent 
  • The body is compact having definite shape

Shortcomings of Two Kingdom System of Classification 
The cell of bacteria consists of cell wall and it is heterotrophic. They show characters of both plants and animals. The body of fungi is highly branched and cell has cell wall but they are heterotrophic and the stored food is glycogen. Hence, they show both plant and animal like characters. A kind of protozoan named Euglena contains chlorophylls and shows locomotion. It also shows both plant and animal like characters.
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