Acid Rain and Greenhouse Effect

What is Acid Rain? How is it Caused? 

Generally, acid rain means the rain of water containing excessive amount of acids. 
Oxides of Slulphur, Carbon, and Nitrogen are major gaseous pollutant of air. These oxides are produced mainly by the combustion of fossil fuels, power plants, automobile exhaust, domestic fire etc. These oxides make layers and remains in the atmosphere. During rain, they react with water to form acids like Sulphuric acid, Nitric acid, Nitrous acid which then comes to the earth surface as acid rain or remain in the atmosphere in clouds or fogs.
    Acid rain problem is a man made phenomena which increases dramatically due to the industrilization. Acid rain increases soil acidity thus and decreases fertility which makes life difficult for plants and animals.
What is Greenhouse effect? What is global warming?
     We receive radiation from sun which makes our earth warm. When radiations having short wave length falls on the surface of the earth, most of them (especially visible and UV light) penetrates the atmosphere which acts like the glass or plastic roof and walls of a green house. Some of the heat energy is absorbed by the earth and the remaining portion of heat energy is reflected back into the atmosphere as infrared radiation of much longer wave length. Much of this reflected radiation can’t escape into the space. Certain gases such as Carbon dioxide (CO2), Ozone (O3), Methane (CH4), CFCs, water vapours absorb the heat radiation and send the IR radiation back to the earth to warm the surface. As a whole, these gases surround and act as ‘blanket’ around the earth. During normal conditions i.e. when CO2 level is maintained within a limit, this process is beneficial but if the concentration of CO2 in the air increases the temperature of the earth also increases disastrously which is called greenhouse effect. Such phenomenon of increasing of temperature is called global warming. In fact global warming is the consequence of greenhouse effect.
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