HSEB Question Model of Biology with Possible Questions Class 11

FOR : 2070

HSEB Question Model of Biology
Time : 3 hrs
F.M : 75
P.M : 27
Section A (Botany)
Attempt all the Questions. [1 X 7 = 7]
Q.1. Answer any seven questions in very short.
        (a) Differentiate prokarotic and eukarotic cells on the basis of nucleus.
         (b) Write the function of chloroplast.
         (c) What are the component of a nucleotide ?
         (d) Why are cynobacteria callled a blue green algae?
         (e) Why are ferns callled vascular cryptogams ?
         (f) Write the difference between disc and ray floret.
         (g) Name the primary consumers of pond ecosystem.
         (h) Define green house effect.
         (i) Lichen is an example of symbiosis, how ?
         (j) Define plant succession.

Q.2. Answer any five questions in brief. [3 X 5 = 15]
        (a) In what ways DNA differ from RNA ?
        (b) Give the shortcomings of two kingdom system of classification.
        (c) Illustrate Vegetative structure of Spirogyra with neat & labbelled diagram (no description required.)
        (d) Write economic importance of fungi.
        (e) By means of stamen character only, how will you differentiate the various families which are included in your syllabus ?
        (f) Energy flow in an ecosystem is always unidirectional. Explain.
        (g) How does the carbon cycle exist in the nature ?

Q.3. Describe the prophase I of meosis cell division. Destinguish it from prophase of mitisis.[8]

Q.4. give the distinguishing dharacters of Solanaecea with its flora formula and flora diagram. Mention botanical names of three economic importance plants of this family. [7.5]
Define alternation of generation discuss it with reference to life cycle of Marchantia.

Section B (Zoology)
Q.1. Answer any seven questions in very short. [1 X 7 = 7]
        (a) Define the term : Parasitogy, paleontology.
        (b) How is zoology related with chemistry
        (c) What is organic evolution ?
        (d) Define analogous organs.
        (e) Differentiate oxidizing atmosphere and reducing atmosphere.
        (f) Write zoological names of (i) wall lizard (ii) liver fluke.
        (g) Mention the functions of contractile vacuoles in Paramecium.
        (h) Define conservation.
        (i) Name two examples of migratory birds.

Q.2. Answer any five questions in brief. [3 X 5 = 15 ]
        (a) “Archeopteryx is connecting link between reptiles and birds”,justify.
        (b) Give an acoount of gamogony life cycle of Plasmodium vivax
        (c) Classify Pila.
        (d) How is coccoon formed in earthwoirm ?
        (e) Draw labelled diagram of internal structure of frog’s heart (No description)
        (f) Describe volant adaptational features of birds.
        (g) Enlist the important measures to protedt endangered species.

Q.3. Draw the neat and labelled diagram of male reproductive system of Pheretima. [7.5]
Describe the alimentary canal of Rana tigrina.

Q.4. Write an essay on the story of natural selection [8]



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