HSEB Entrance Exam Questions Paper of Chemistry Class 11 | 50+ Questions

CLASS : 11
Number of Questions : 50

These are Probable Question asked in the Entrance Examination Held in renowned colleges(St. Xaviers, Budhanilkantha, SOS,..etc) inNepal.

1. Which of the following oxide imparts the green colour in the glass?        
(a) PbO            (b) Cr2O3         (c) Fe2O3         (d) ZnO
2. Froth floatation is the process of concentration of which of the ores?     
(a) Oxide         (b) Sulphide   (c) Carbonate   (d) Sulphate
3. Which of the following is known as philosophers wool?  
(a) ZnSO4.7H2O          (b) ZnO           (c) FeSO4.7H2O      (d) FeO

4. The rxn NH$4 CNO NH$2 – CO – NH$2 is of the type:
(a) Oxidation –reduction        (b) Isomerization         (c) Neutralization        (d) Analysis
5. Who is the father of chemistry?     
(a) Dalton                (b) Berzellius          (c) Lavosier  (d) None
6. Formalin is used as:
(a) Disinfectant reagent          (b) Preservation of biological specimens         (c) Both a and b          (d) None
7. Monomer of Bakelite plastic is:     
(a) phenol + formaldehyde     (b) carbolic acid + Acetaldehyde        (c) phenol + ethyl alcohol           (d) None
8. Who has discovered molecule term?         
(a) Dalton        (b) Avogadro     (c) Rutherford          (d) None
9. Who has discovered nucleus of the atom?
(a)Avogadro    (b) Rutherford            (c) Neil Bohr   (d) None
10. Galena is the ore of:         
(a) Silver          (b) Magnesium            (c) Lead           (d) copper
11. Molecular formula of plaster of Paris is:  
(a) CaSO4.H2O    (b) (CaSO4)2.H2O     (c) CaSO4.2H2O        (d) None
12. Molecular formula of green vitriol is:      
(a) CuSO4.5H2O         (b) FeSO4.7H2O          (c) ZnSO4.7H2O          (d) MgSO4.7H2O
13. Which of the following statement is not true for ethyne gas?     
(a) It is an unsaturated hydrocarben
(b) It is the monomer of benzen         
(c) It satisfies the formula CnH2n-2    
(d) Benzene is natural polymer
14. Haematite is the ore of:    
(a) Zinc      (b) Copper            (d) Iron            (e) None
15. A gas Y burns in air and adsorbed by palladium metal is:          
(a) Nitrogen     (b) Oxygen      (c) Hydrogen     (d) None
16. The gas which is obtained by heating potassium nitrate, is absorbed by alkaline pyrogallate solution is:          
(a) N2   (b) O2  (c) NH3    (d) NO2
17. BHC is an example of:     
(a) Fertilizer        (b) Antiseptic           (c) Insecticides            (d) None
18. Iodine of Tincture is:       
(a) Antiseptic     (b) Analgesic            (c) Both a and b          (d) None
19. Molecular formula of Bleaching powder is:        
(a) Ca(OCl)Cl    (b) CaOCl    (c) Ca(OCl)2     (d) None
20. Molecular formula of lunar caustic is:      
(a) KOH          (b) NaOH         (c) AgNO3       (d) None
21. Litharge is the ore of:       
(a) Zinc            (b) Lead          (c) Tin      (d) Iron
22. How many grams of NaOH are needed to make 100 gram of a 5% solution?   
(a) 0.5  (b) 5    (c) 20    (d) None
23. How many grams of CO$2 can be prepared from 150 gram of calcium carbonate reacting with an excess of hydrochloric acid solution?    
(a) 66       (b) 22           (c) 33      (d) None      

24. All of the following are compounds except:       
(a) Copper Sulphate      (b) Carbondioxide       (c) Washing Soda      (d) Air
25. In general, when metal oxides react with water, they form solutions that are:   
(a) Acidic        (b) basic          (c) Neutral       (d) None
26. Electrolysis of a dilute sodium chloride solution results in the cathode product is         
(a) Sodium        (b) Hydrogen                 (c) Chlorine            (d) Oxygen
27. A component whose molecular mass in 90 grams contain 40.0% carbon, 6.67% Hydrogen and 53.33% oxygen. What is true formula for the compound?       
(a) C2H2OH        (b) CH2O4      (c) C3H6O3    (d) C3HO3
28. How many moles of CaO are needed to react with an excess of water to form 370 gram of calcium hydroxide?
(a) 1       (b) 5      (c) 3     (d) 4
29. An organic compound has been found to possess the empirical formula CH$2O and molecular weight 90. Give its molecular formula (C = 12, H = 1, O = 16)          
(a) CH3COOH            (b) HCOOH     (a) C6H12O6       (c) C3H6O
(30) An organic compound on analysis was found to contain 10.06% carbon, 0.84% hydrogen and 89.1% chlorine. Calculate its empirical formula.         
(a) CHCl2        (b) CH2Cl2       (c) CH2Cl3    (d) CHCl3
31. Which one is physical change?    
(a) burning of S in air     (b) burning of C in air          (c) corrosion of metal     (d) conversion of white phosphorus to red phosphorus
32. How much sodium iodide will saturate 60 grams of water at 20°C, if its solubility be 178.      
(a) 100        (b) 96        (c) 106.8          (d) 206
33. How many electrons are present in Fe+++ ion?  
(a) 23      (b) 24            (c) 25      (d)  26
34. 20 gram of a solution saturated with a salt at 80°C is cooled to 30oC. How much of the salt will crystalise out of the solution, if its solubility at 80°C and 30°C are 100 and 25 respectively?           
(a) 15 gram      (b) 9 gram        (c) 6 gram        (d) 7.5 gram   

35. When the ammonium nitrite is heated, we get:   
(a) O2      (b) N2           (c) NH3            (d) None
36. The ionic compound formed in between Gr I and Gr VII in periodic table is:   
(a) CaCl2         (b) AlCl3          (c) CCl4           (d) NaCl
37. You are given AgCl in aqueous solution, how would you separate AgCl?
(a) sublimation            (b) atmolysis       (c) solvent extraction           (d) filtration
38. Calculate the total no. of electrons present in 1.6 gm of methane if gram mol. Weight of methane = 16g.       
(a) 6.023 × 1023           (b) 6.023 × 10-23          (c) 6.023 ×1021            (d) 6.023 × 1020
39. Element used in photoelectric cell is:       
(a) Li    (b) Na    (c) Cs        (d) Fr

40. The number of water molecules present in 1 litre of water is:
(a) 18      (b) 18 × 1000           (c) NA     (d) 55.55NA
41. Which has maximum number of atoms?  
(a) 24 gm of C(12)      (b) 56 g of Fe (56)      (c) 26 gm of Al (27)     (d) 108 gm of Ag(108)
42. Positron is anti-particle of electron. Positron is:  
(a) -1e0    (b) +1e0        (c) 1H1    (d) +1e-1      

43. The correct ground state electronic configuration of chromium atom (At No: 24) is:    
(a) [Ar] 3d54s1           (b) [Ar]3d4s2     (c) [Ar]3d6s6    (d)  [Ar]4d54s1
44. Diagonal relationship is shown by elements of second period. Diagonal relation exists between:         
(a) Li and Mg      (b) Na and Mg        (c) K and Mg    (d) Al and Mg
45. If the valence shell structure of an element is ns2np5, this element belong to:   
(a) alkali metal (b) inert metal     (c) alkaline earth metal         (d) halogens
46. Which of the following has highest affinity for haemoglobin?   
(a) CO2            (b) CO     (c) C            (d) Blood
47. The liquefied petroleum gas mainly contains:      
(a) methane + ethane      (b) ethane + propane            (c) butane + isobutene     (d) methane + propane       

48. Commercially Hydrogen is obtained from:         
(a) coal gas      (b) oil gas        (c) marsh gas     (d) producer gas
49. The acid anhydride of HNO$3 is:           
(a) NO2            (b) N2O4          (c) NO3            (d) N2O5
50. Tear gas is chemically:     
(a) acetyl salicylic acid            (b) chloropicrin            (c) phenyl isocyanide        (d) carbon monoxide
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