Modern Periodic Table | HSEB Notes of Chemistry Class 11

HSEB Notes on Modern Periodic Table
Class : 11

Modern periodic law 
The physical and chemical properties  of the elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers.

The Periodic Law revealed important  analogies among the 94 naturally occurring  elements (neptunium and plutonium like  actinium and protoactinium are also found in  pitch blende ñ an ore of uranium). It stimulated  renewed interest in Inorganic Chemistry and  has carried into the present with the creation of artificially produced short-lived elements.  It is then easy to visualize the significance of quantum numbers and electronic 
configurations in periodicity of elements. In  fact, it is now recognized that the Periodic Law is essentially the consequence of the periodic variation in electronic configurations, which indeed determine the physical and chemical properties of elements and their compounds. Numerous forms of Periodic Table have been devised from time to time. Some forms emphasise chemical reactions and valence, whereas others stress the electronic configuration of elements. A modern version, the so-called long form of the Periodic Table of the elements , is the most convenient and widely used. The horizontal rows (which Mendeleev called series) are called periods and the vertical columns, groups. Elements having similar outer electronic configurations in their atoms are arranged in vertical columns, referred to as groups or families. According to the recommendation of International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), the groups are numbered from 1 to 18 replacing the older notation of groups IA Ö VIIA, VIII, IB Ö VIIB and 0. 

There are altogether seven periods. The period number corresponds to the highest principal quantum number (n) of the elements in the period. The first period contains 2 elements. The subsequent periods consists of 8, 8, 18, 18 and 32 elements, respectively. The seventh period is incomplete and like the sixth period would have a theoretical maximum (on the basis of quantum numbers) of 32 elements. In this form of the Periodic Table, 14 elements of both sixth and seventh periods (lanthanoids and actinoids, respectively) are placed in separate panels at the bottom.
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