SET III (2067) - Model Question Paper of Biology Class 11

Biology (Botany + Zoology)
Question Paper | Biology
SET III (2067) - Model Question Paper
Subject: Biology (Botany + Zoology)
For: Science Students Class: 11

1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Give the scientific name of tapeworm and wall lizard.
1.2. Discuss the role of variation in organic evolution .
1.3. How do insects differ from Arachnida?
1.4. Define fossil.
1.5. What are early primates resemble to ?
1.6. Give two example of vestigial organ.
1.7. What is reflex arc?
1.8. What is the function of choanoderm in Porifera?
1.9. Who suggested that monkeys, apes and man have a common ancestor ?
1.10. Name the muscles that controls the setae of earthworm .

2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Explain arboreal adaptation among reptiles.
2.2. Give an account on Australopithecus.
2.3. Represent diagrammatically the process of conjugation in paramecium .
2.4. Write in brief the erythrocytic cycle of Plasmodium.
2.5. Describe the experiment of Urey miller for the origin of life .
2.6. Differentiate between chondrichthys and oesteichtys fish .
2.7. Give the adaptational modifications found in scansorial animals .

3. Describe the reproductive organ of earthworm. [7.5]
Describe the internal structure of heart in frog and give its working mechanism.

4. Write an Essay on Lamarckism. Write down the demerits of this theory and about the Neo Lamarckism. [8]

1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. What is the function of heterocyst?
1.2. Name two edible mushroom available in market .
1.3. Why is Spirogyra placed in algae?
1.4. Name two type recemose inflorescence you have studied.
1.5. Name the chemical components of RNA.
1.6. Name the storage found in green and brown algae .
1.7. What do you mean by tetradynamous stamens ?
1.8. Mention any two points of differences between primary and secondary mycelium.
1.9. Name the major components of virus .
1.10. Define the term nucleotide.

2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Discuss the economic importance of fungi.
2.2. Give the structure and function of Golgi complex.
2.3. Differentiate between metaphase I and metaphase II of meiosis.
2.4. State the economic importance of the family solanaceae.
2.5. Draw diagrammatic life cycle of spirogyra. (no description)
2.6. Discuss the consequences of acid rain .
2.7. Explain the structure and functions of mitochondria.

3. What is altenation of generation ?Explain it with suitable diagram in a Marchantia. [7.5]
Explain the characters of the family Papilionaceae in semitechnical term 
with floral diagram and floral formula .Discuss any two major importance 
of this family . 

4. What is energy flow .Explain how it takes place in terrestrial ecosystem. [8]
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