SET IV (2067) - Model Question Paper of Biology Class 11

Biology (Botany + Zoology)
Question Paper | Biology
SET IV (2067) - Model Question Paper
Subject: Biology (Botany + Zoology)
For: Science Students Class: 11

1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Give scientific names of any two endangered mammals of Nepal.
1.2. Define Osteology.
1.3. Which technique is used to know the age of fossils ?
1.4. Give the functions of Typhlosole in Earth worm.
1.5. Write Scientific names of frog and star fish.
1.6. What do you mean by the word Arthropoda?
1.7. What is adaptation?
1.8. What is catadromous migration?
1.9. What is serological test?
1.10. What is torsion ? Give one example of animal which shows torsion .

2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Discuss about the Cro magnon man.
2.2. Give the characteristic feature of class Aves.
2.3. Draw a neat and labeled diagram of Paramecium.
2.4. Give the functions of skin of earthworm.
2.5. How does cocoon formation takes place in earthworm?
2.6. Give a brief description of the T.S. of the testis of frog with neat labeled diagram.
2.7. Enumerate the characters of Annelida .

3. Give an account of life cycle of Plasmodium in man . [7.5]
Discuss the reproductive system of Frog.

4. What is organic evolution ?Trace out evolution of man starting from Ramapethicus . [8]

1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Define net primary productivity.
1.2. What is trophic level.
1.3. What do you mean by succession?
1.4. Why is lysosomes called as suicidal bag ?
1.5. Write any two consequence of acid rain.
1.6. Mention the chemical components of virus.
1.7. Write the meaning of syngenesis.
1.8. What is the function of pyrenoid ?
1.9. What is nucleotides ?
1.10. What do you mean by pioneer community in water and land ?

2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Mention any three points of difference between Akinetes and Aplanospore.
2.2. Draw a well labeled diagram of cell structure of Nostoc.
2.3. Explain the structure and function of nucleus.
2.4. Discuss the changes that occur during anaphase of Mitosis.
2.5. Explain food web.
2.6. Explain about the structure and function of plastids .
2.7. What is nitrogen fixtaion ? How is nitrogen fixed in the cell ?

3. What is alternation of generation ?Explain it with suitable diagram in a Funaria ? [7.5]
Explain the characters of the family Gramineae in semi technical terms 
with its floral diagram and floral formula . Discuss any two major economic
importance of this family .

4. What is ecosystem ?Discuss the structural and functional aspects of any one ecosystem
you have studied. [8]
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