SET V (2067) - Model Question Paper of Biology Class 11

Biology (Botany + Zoology)
Question Paper | Biology
SET V (2067) - Model Question Paper
Subject: Biology (Botany + Zoology)
For: Science Students Class: 11

1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Define phylogeny.
1.2. What is Cyclosis in Paramecium.
1.3. What are analogous organ ?Give two examples.
1.4. Give two identifying characters of Echinodermata.
1.5. Mention the classes of phylum Porifera with one example of each .
1.6. What is taxis ?
1.7. Write the meaning of Signet-ring stage.
1.8. Name any endangered animal of Nepal .
1.9. Malarial patient shows the symptoms of malaria in every 48 hours.Why?
1.10. What are nematocysts?

2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Explain the experiment of Miller Urey .
2.2. Explain the binary fission in paramecium with a well labeled diagram.
2.3. Differentiate between old world monkey and new world monkey.
2.4. Explain the characteristic of leadership.
2.5. Describe the types of migratory fish.
2.6. How sound is produced in frog ?
2.7. Explain different causes of birds migration .

3. Explain the Lemarck’s theory of inheritance of acquired characters with its draw backs. [8]

4. What is portal system ?Describe it with reference to frog . [7.5]
Describe the digestive organ of earthworm with a labelled diagram.

1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Name the pigments found in red algae.
1.2. Give the full form of ADP and AMP.
1.3. Give the example of monosacchride and disacchride.
1.4. Give the difference of cisternae and cristae.
1.5. What are leucoplast? Mention their function.
1.6. What is grazing food chain?
1.7. What are primary and secondary myceliums in Agaricus?
1.8. Write two important effect of acid rain.
1.9. How does DNA differ from RNA.
1.10. Which cell organnele is responsible for cell plate formation.

2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Illustrate the haplo diplo biontic life cycle of yeast .
2.2. Draw well lable diagram of cynobacterical cell .
2.3. What is gametophyte ?Describe it in fern plant .
2.4. Draw outline sketch of 5kingdom classification also mention its basis on which it has been classified.
2.5. Give beneficial aspects of bacteria.
2.6. What are the methods of water resource conservation?
2.7. Draw a labeled diagram of mitotic metaphase and also mention its characteristic.

3. What is mitosis ?explain about the process of mitosis. (7.5)
Describe family Cruciferae in semi technical terms with its Floral diagram and floral formula.

4. Describe the nitrogen cycle in nature . (8)
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